Get to know us

Our foundation is dedicated to empowering individuals by unlocking their potential and providing them with the tools and opportunities needed to thrive. We believe in the inherent strength of every person and work tirelessly to foster growth, education, and self-sufficiency. Through targeted programs and initiatives, we aim to uplift communities, support marginalized groups, and create pathways to sustainable development. Our mission is to inspire and enable positive change, ensuring that everyone has the chance to lead a fulfilling and independent life. Join us in our journey to build a brighter, more equitable future for all

Bali, a mesmerizing island, enchants with its golden beaches, vibrant culture, and majestic temples. Known as the "Island of the Gods," it blends spiritual richness with natural beauty, offering serene rice terraces, lively markets, and warm hospitality. Bali is a timeless paradise where tradition and nature harmoniously coexist, captivating all who visit.

Bali, with its rich culture and tourism-driven economy, faces challenges like economic inequality and limited access to education in rural areas. A foundation focused on human empowerment is crucial to provide skills training, support local communities, and promote sustainable development, ensuring that all residents benefit from the island's growth.

As of March 2024, there are approximately 184,430 people living in poverty in Bali, which represents about 4% of the island's population. This figure is a decrease from previous years, reflecting Bali's efforts to reduce poverty through economic growth and targeted social assistance programs. Despite being the province with the lowest poverty rate in Indonesia, challenges remain, especially in rural areas where poverty rates are higher. The government continues to work towards further reducing these numbers, aiming to eradicate extreme poverty altogether (Badan Pusat Statistik Bali, Expat Life in Indonesia).